Collect your parcels 24/7 from Parcel SafePlace Room

Never Miss Another Delivery

To provide the ultimate convenience for you here at Burlington House we are introducing a 24/7 Parcel SafePlace Room for items that don't fit into your mailbox. As a default all parcel couriers will deliver parcels for residents to the Parcel SafePlace Room. Parcels requiring a signature will be signed for by the concierge team and then delivered to the room for your collection. As soon as your parcel is securely logged into the Parcel SafePlace system you will receive a notification with a one-time unique collection code, simply enter the code and access the room to collect your parcels.

How It Works

Order Online

When shopping online add to delivery notes that you parcel should be delivered to the Parcel SafePlace Room

Parcel Delivery

Your parcel is delivered as a default to the Parcel SafePlace Room by the courier driver, and you are notified as soon as a parcel is delivered for you

Collect Your Parcel

Collect your parcel anytime using your unique access code that is sent to you with the image of your parcel


Where is the Parcel SafePlace Room located?
The Parcel SafePlace Room is located on the ground floor adjacent to the Reception Desk.

How do I access the Parcel SafePlace Room?
Simply request access by speaking to the concierge team and you will be added to our systems so that delivery companies can select your name when delivering your parcels. Please ensure we have the correct email and mobile number for you to ensure all notifications are received.

Do I need to inform the delivery company to deliver to the Parcel SafePlace Room?
We advise that where possible when placing orders you state that your delivery should be made to the Parcel SafePlace Room as this is a "Safeplace" for your parcel to be left. Many online websites provide a comments box when completing your order so where possible please reference this.

How do I collect my parcel?
You will be notified as soon as a parcel is delivered for you. Your notification will include a secure one time access code to our secure monitored Parcel SafePlace Room. You will be asked to confirm your identity when collecting your parcel for security reasons.